Ageing is a fact of life, looking your age is not.
The wrinkling of skin, is an inevitable process caused by ageing, due to the gradual breakdown of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. As a result, one’s skin may appear less vibrant and youthful through time. We aim to soften and prevent the appearance of further lines and wrinkles, whilst maintaining a natural rejuvenated look.
Procedure time
30-60 minutes
Duration of results
3-6 months
Prices from £180
Treatment Areas
Forehead lines
Forehead lines are caused by contraction of the frontalis muscle, and these horizontal lines can make one look older. A variety of factors can make these wrinkles worse, including age, genetics and smoking. However this simple procedure can help to soften these lines, providing a more refreshed and youthful appearance.
Frown lines
Frown lines, also known as glabella lines, are the furrows between the eyebrows, and can often cause a lack of self-confidence in both male and female clients. These expression lines can be worsened by sun damage, repetitive facial movements and smoking.
Crow’s feet
Wrinkles around the eyes, also known as ‘crow’s feet’, are one of the primary signs of ageing, as they tend to present at an early stage. The body produces less collagen and elastin with ageing, meaning repetitive facial expressions, including squinting and smiling can exacerbate the formation of these lines, as well as sun exposure, genetics, smoking and poor skin care.
Gummy smiles
Anti-wrinkle injections can help to improve your smile and reduce the appearance of your gums, increasing your self-confidence in a safe, quick, cost-effective manner.
Wide-set jaw/Masseter
Anti-wrinkle injections are used to decrease jaw size and excessive teeth grinding, known as Bruxism. An excessive wide jaw creating a square-shaped lower face, is a common issue for women as it is often deemed to be a masculine or an unattractive trait. Surgery was previously the only option, but now the non-surgical jaw reduction procedure with anti-wrinkle injections provides an excellent quick, safe, cost-effective alternative, softening the facial contours.
Neck lift
Loose skin on the neck is often a major area of self-consciousness due to a ‘saggy neck’ appearance. This is caused by the natural ageing process and is exacerbated by a variety of factors, such as sun exposure, genetics and weight loss.
Chemical brow lift
Anti-wrinkle injections can be used to create an eyebrow lift or an ‘arched eyebrow’, and help to reduce the hooding of the eyelid thereby lifting the ends of the eyebrows. This can be individually tailored to each client to give a fresher look to the face.
Bunny lines
Bunny lines are the horizontal wrinkles that form across the bridge and along the sides of the nose. These are usually seen whilst laughing, sniffing and squinting, and anti-wrinkle injections can help to soften these lines which become more obvious over the years.
Smoker’s lines
Smoker’s lines, also known as vertical lip lines, are usually due to repetitive facial expressions, alongside natural ageing. There are various factors including smoking and genetics which can accelerate this process.
Dimpled/pebbled chins
A dimpled ‘orange peel’ appearance can be caused by excessive activity in the mentalis muscle in the chin, and hence anti-wrinkle injections can be used to reduce this appearance.
Downturned corners of the mouth
Downturned corners of the mouth often give a ‘sad’ appearance and hence anti-wrinkle injections can help to brighten up one’s image.